Training FAQ
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GBdirect web site.
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How can I find out more about a training course?
Please contact our Sales Team on 0333 210 0140 between 9:00am and 5:00pm
Monday-Friday. Alternatively, email us at or use our
feedback form [].
What is a Public Course?
A 'public' course is, quite simply, a course where places
(‘seats’ in the jargon) are open to members of the public.
Events are scheduled at training centres across the UK. Dates and locations of public courses will be found on most course outlines. A 'P' in a blue square located just below the course title on an outline denotes a public scheduled course.
You may also hear such courses referred to as 'open'
courses, although the term 'public course' is much more common in the
commercial training industry.
What is an In-house Course?
An in-house course is essentially one that is put on for a particular
organisation, company or group.
This type of course may also be called a ‘closed course’ to distinguish it
from those which members of the public can book seats on. A 'C' in a blue square located just below the title on a course outline denotes a closed course.
In-house courses may delivered ‘on-site’ (i.e. at the
purchasing organisation’s own premises) or ‘off-site’ at
another location, e.g. a specialist training centre, conference centre or
hotel. Most in-house courses fall into the on-site sub-category.
How do I book a training course?
To book a course with GBdirect, please email to
request a course Booking Form. You will then need to complete all sections
of the form and return it to us by fax, email or post along with aa supporting Purchase Order (if your company operates such a system).
How do I pay for my training?
If you are a Private Individual we require advanced payment to confirm
bookings on public courses. If you are booking a course through your
company, we are happy to accept Purchase Orders sent through along with your
booking form.
Payments can be made by bank transfer, cheque or debit/credit card. Please
note that card payments will incur a 2.5% surcharge on top of the
course fee.
We accept:
Will I receive joining instructions?
All delegates will be sent joining instructions prior to their training
course. Usually they are emailed, but a few courses require delegates to
receive hard-copies of training materials in advance, so on those occasions
joining instructions are posted. If you book your course more than a couple
of months in advance you may not receive joining instructions until a little
nearer the course start date. If it is less than a couple of weeks until your
course and you've not received your joining instructions, please do get in
touch with us.
Can I get a VAT invoice for my training?
All delegates (or a nominated billing contact) are sent a VAT invoice on
receipt of a course booking form.
Can I cancel a course I've booked?
Yes you can, but depending on how long it is until the course is due to take
place, a fee may be incurred. Please see the Cancellation and Transfer terms on page two of the Booking Form.
Can I substitute someone in my place?
Usually it is possible to send a substitute delegate in your place, but it
is your responsibility to ensure that they meet any pre-requisites for the
training course.
If you think you are going to have a problem attending a course you have
booked, please contact us as soon as possible, in writing via e-mail, and we
will be happy to let you know your options.
Do you ever cancel courses?
Unfortunately, we do sometimes require a minimum number of bookings on a
course to make it commercially viable. If minimum numbers aren't met, then
occasionally courses do get cancelled.
Popular courses in popular locations (like London) are less likely to get
cancelled than more specialist subject areas or less popular locations. If
your course does get cancelled, we will always try to let you know as soon
as possible, and do our best to offer an alternative. If no alternative
options are suitable for you we will arrange a full refund of your course fee.